Monday, March 21, 2016


As I am now of legal age I am trying to figure out how to "adult." I am learning that it isn't something that can be taught by an adultier adult. It is a very hard time and I am struggling a lot with it. But somehow, I am getting through it.

Being an adult and managing money and saving money is all stuff I am trying to figure out.

Managing my time is even more difficult. I tend to procrastinate unintentionally. I find myself telling myself that I will get to it later and then its 3 days before and I haven't done anything about it yet.

Currently, I am very happy with where I am in life. I know what I want to be when I "grow up," I am on schedule to finally graduate, and I am beyond happy with those who I have surrounded myself with.

I was telling one of my friends yesterday how I didn't think I would ever be this happy after being so depressed for so long, yet here I am!

I have had friends coming and going in my life and I guess that is just what it is like to be a grown up. I am trying to be mature and figure out my life and my immature friends don't like that. They like immature, unadult Dakota better but I cannot be that person forever. No one can. I am just noticing earlier than some that I have to mature and grow up.

I am currently balancing school, work, family, friends and my boyfriend very well if I do say so myself. But I wouldn't be able to do this without all of the support I have from the people who love and care about me.

I think every one goes through this tough time between childhood and adulthood but no one talks about it. Maybe because they are embarrassed about it or maybe because they think everyone else has their sh*t together except for them. It is another one of those things that doesn't get talked about but really should be if you ask me.

It is hard to go from having everything given to you to having to fend for yourself and having to pay for your own things with your own money. But somehow everyone gets through it one way or another.

One day we will look back on these odd young adult years and laugh but today, we just have to keep our heads held high and keep a smile on our face because it does get better.

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